We help you tell and sell your story.
Congratulations! You've finished your book manuscript.
Now what?
Today's publishing world has opened up a host of new opportunities for authors. But before you can pursue any of them, you need to get your manuscript into the best possible shape: grammatically perfect and as marketable as possible. This is where Thompson Writing & Editing comes in. Lynn's Book Editing Package puts an industry professional to work with you to improve your manuscript and help you achieve your goals for the book. Hadn't thought about your goals? Lynn also helps you with that.

Step 1: The Level 2 Edit
When you hire Thompson Writing & Editing and send Lynn your manuscript, she'll begin by reading through the entire thing first to see where it's going, listing and summarizing each chapter. Then she digs in and goes through it a second time, making notes where she thinks changes are needed, more thought is required, or something needs to be verified, noting any errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, word use, etc. she catches, making remarks on things she thinks could improve your book's marketability, and constructing Continuity Worksheets for you on book details like characters, locations, timeline, etc. so she can locate any inconsistencies. On her third pass through, Lynn makes sure she hasn't missed anything and tightens up the notes. Then she write a summary of any recurring issues and suggestions and returns all that to you for your revisions.
All this takes a few months for Lynn to complete. During that time, she put you to work on your book's marketing plan using her Book Marketing Plan Coaching program. You'll get a weekly assignment and we'll have a brief Zoom meeting each week to discuss what you've discovered. This may also uncover some revisions you need to make that will impact your book's marketability. With what you've discovered in that and Lynn's feedback on the manuscript itself, you can begin your revisions. She gives you a few months to complete those and return the manuscript to TW&E...she's tried it without giving authors a deadline, and is still waiting for some of those revisions, years later! So you'll get a deadline.

Step 2: The Level 1 Edit
When you return your revised manuscript to Lynn, she'll go through it with a fine-toothed comb and identify any lapses of logic or errors in the basic mechanics of writing like spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc. She'll also check for common formatting issues that publishers often ask authors to change, such as spacing between sentences, paragraph indentation, and page breaks.
While she's working on this, Lynn puts you to work on finding the right publisher to meet your needs, with her Publishing Path Workbook. When you receive the file back from her, about six weeks later, you just need to go through it and accept or reject each of Lynn's corrections before it's ready to forward to your selected publisher or literary agent. And you'll know exactly what steps you need to take next to get your book published.

Getting Started: The Sample Edit
But how do you know if you'll like Lynn's style of editing and the suggestions she makes? Simple: you send us a 1,000-word excerpt from your manuscript, and she'll do a sample edit on it for free. Tell her the word count of the full manuscript, and she'll send you a quote for editing the whole thing.
If you like what you see and think our price is fair, simply respond to receive a full contract for the editing project. Sign that and send Lynn the retainer fee and your completed manuscript file, and she'll get to work. If anything's not to your liking and you decide not to hire Lynn, no harm done. Hiring an editor is an important part of making your book successful, and you should work with the one who's the best fit for you.

We won't lie to you: Lynn's not cheap. But you'll get your money's worth. Her results speak for themselves. Many of Lynn's authors have won awards for their books, received great critical acclaim and had solid sales figures. You've invested a lot of time and a lot of yourself into getting your book written. Doesn't it deserve the best opportunity for success you can give it?